Sermons (audio)

Here are a few audio recordings, listed in the order you will find them below. At the bottom of the list, you can search the list by speaker, series, topic, or book of the Bible. Currently, we do not post every lesson, but if you listen regularly please let us know. The more we hear from you, the more we may post.

Here is a list of the sermons you can find below:

Hope, as a Helmet
Life is in the Blood
Parents, Hold Fast! (2 parts)
Valuable & Scarce
Valuable & Abundant
In the Beginning. . .
A Parent’s Love is Not Enough
Mercy, Not Sacrifice on the Sabbath (2)
Mercy, Not Sacrifice on the Sabbath (1)
Mercy, Not Sacrifice in Matthew’s House
Mercy, Not Sacrifice in Hosea
What is Worship?
When Men Doubt God’s Mercy
Mercy & truth (2 lessons)
Test all things
“I’m not familiar with the church of Christ”
Love and Religion (2 parts)
A Time for “New”
A Jealous God
In Everything, Give Thanks
God, Science, and You: Challenges We Face (2 lessons)
Pray Without Ceasing
Israel at Jericho
That Day About 3000 Souls Were Added… (Acts 2)
God, Science, and You (3 lessons)
Rejoice Always
In His Image: The Value of Life
In His Image: We Belong to God
In His Image: Unique Among Creation
Dressing Our Bodies
Dressing Our Hearts
God Could Have Made It Easier To. . .
A Stricter Judgment
Be Holy in All Your Speech
Jesus Was Tempted
Jesus Was Tempted, Again
God is Holy
The Kingdom, Treasure, and Pearl
Why Are We Assembling Again?
When the World Panics, Christians. . .
6570 Days to Train a Child
There is a God (Parts 1 & 2)
Distinct Duties of the Christian and the Churches
“I will build My Church”– What Was Jesus Planning to Build?
The Way of Escape (Temptation)
David’s Prayer in Prosperity
David’s Final Gift
What We Can Offer, When We Cannot Offer Acceptance
What We Learn about God in the Beginning
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
There is One Baptism
3 Facts About Grace
There is One Faith
The Patience of Jesus with His Disciples
The Patience of Jesus in Our Homes
There is One Body
There is One Spirit
Truth Invites Investigation
There is One Lord
Thank God for Mothers
Jesus’ Transfiguration
The Gospel of the Cross
Clothed with Humility
Taste and see… Psalm 34
Why “One”? (Ephesians 4:1-6)
Saul of Tarsus, Paul of Christ
God’s Plan for Saints and Churches
The Fruit of the Spirit
Why did the Chariot Stop?
The Bible: A Lamp to My Feet

Clothed with humility

April 7, 2019
Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:5 | Preacher: David Halbrook
Preacher: David Halbrook

Paul, of Christ

March 24, 2019
Bible Text: Acts 9 | Preacher: David Halbrook

Saul, of Tarsus

March 24, 2019
Bible Text: Acts 9 | Preacher: David Halbrook
Bible Text: Acts 2:42-47 | Preacher: David Halbrook

The Fruit of the Spirit

February 17, 2019
Bible Text: Galatians 5:22-23
Bible Text: Acts 8:27-40

The Bible: A Lamp to My Feet

January 10, 2016
Preacher: Bill Bicskei
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