Have you ever noticed the passages besides Genesis 1:1 that talk about the beginning? This lesson includes these other passages to learn more about what happened in the beginning.
After learning about God, we learn what God has said. Then we learn about sin, salvation, and Christ. This prepares us to know the church of Christ. Are you familiar with the church of Christ? If you are, how would you respond to someone who is not?
If love and religion have no source and do not belong to each other, then there are no boundaries. Is something "love" or "religion" based on the human claim alone?
"Love" is among the most popular, misrepresented, and misunderstood words God has spoken. The phrase "Love has no religion" is widely accepted, but is it true? Who is the ultimate source for love and religion?
Today, you can visit the site where the walls of Jericho once stood. Some experts even believe they have found the walls that fell in the days of Joshua. But visiting the site will not offer the insights that Scripture does about Israel's visit to Jericho. Those lessons are only available by the witness the Holy Spirit has given about those events.
1,500 people died in the Titanic disaster, while 705 individuals survived. There are many such stories of great numbers of souls being lost and saved--some
known and many other stories unrecorded and forgotten. Once, around 3,000 souls were rescued in one day while many more souls chose to remain in the sea of sin. What happened on that day?
How many times have we thought, "I wish God had done ____ differently!". Thomas thought so, when he refused to believe until he had the opportunity to see Jesus with his eyes (John 20:25). When Jesus arrived, Jesus showed that man's ways are not God's ways (John 20:29). Can we learn to trust God when His plans for us are harder than we prefer?
Either, there is a God or there isn’t any God.
YouTube and bookshelves are filled with people explaining and debating both sides, but this is not a topic merely for professionals and authors. It is a topic that every human being (of maturity), including you must answer--is there someone else or no one else? We must learn that there is a God…and why we know.
What was Jesus planning to build when He said I will build My church? We can find out by examining His preaching.