Who poses the greatest threat to the introduction and growth of the gospel in the hearts of men? Is it the strident, influential atheist or is it people who claim to believe in God and the Bible but who contradict God and the Bible? This is one of the challenges we face because of the many views of "God, Science, and You"! [This is the final lesson in this series]
There is a war going on, instigated by those who demand "Science without God!". You must choose a side in this battle, and choosing God's side means others are opposed to you. In this lesson, we identify challenges we face because of those who seek to remove God fromnthe science, society, and souls of men!

God, Science, and You (3)

October 11, 2020
Whether you are interested in God, science, or yourself does not change the relationship between the three. With or without your interest, you are involved so it is in your best interest to understand how all of these relate to each other.

God, Science, and You (2)

October 4, 2020
Psalms 19 contains poetry, science, and ethics/morals in 14 verses about God. Do God and science belong together? Many of our educational leaders have made their opinion clear. What do you believe?
1,500 people died in the Titanic disaster, while 705 individuals survived. There are many such stories of great numbers of souls being lost and saved--some known and many other stories unrecorded and forgotten. Once, around 3,000 souls were rescued in one day while many more souls chose to remain in the sea of sin. What happened on that day?

God, Science, and You (1)

September 27, 2020
It isn't a stretch to imagine David composing the words of Psalm 8 as a shepherd under the starry sky. Such observations and thoughts qualify David as a novice astronomer. Similarly, we are all at least novice scientists as we explore and learn from the physical world around us. Sadly, many professional scientists have decided that God does not belong in the process of learning called "Science." In order to successfully sort through what is "science fact" or "science fiction" we need to weigh God, Science, and YOU! This four part series begins by investigating what science is, its limitations, and its value. Can such a study be conducted with an open mind and Bible? Listen and see.
What is the value of a human? Is human nature significantly different than animal nature? When we learn that we are made in God's image, we learn that we are unique among all creation.
How many times have we thought, "I wish God had done ____ differently!". Thomas thought so, when he refused to believe until he had the opportunity to see Jesus with his eyes (John 20:25). When Jesus arrived, Jesus showed that man's ways are not God's ways (John 20:29). Can we learn to trust God when His plans for us are harder than we prefer?

There is a God

March 1, 2020
Either, there is a God or there isn’t any God. YouTube and bookshelves are filled with people explaining and debating both sides, but this is not a topic merely for professionals and authors. It is a topic that every human being (of maturity), including you must answer--is there someone else or no one else? We must learn that there is a God…and why we know.