How many times have we thought, "I wish God had done ____ differently!". Thomas thought so, when he refused to believe until he had the opportunity to see Jesus with his eyes (John 20:25). When Jesus arrived, Jesus showed that man's ways are not God's ways (John 20:29). Can we learn to trust God when His plans for us are harder than we prefer?
Panic is a personal decision someone makes when they believe they have no other source of help. As Christians, we are never without help, so when the world panics, Christians can . . .
There is a God, regardless of who knows it, but knowledge without faith is just as dead as faith without works---believing there is a God is only the beginning. God intends that it will change your life into eternity.

There is a God

March 1, 2020
Either, there is a God or there isn’t any God. YouTube and bookshelves are filled with people explaining and debating both sides, but this is not a topic merely for professionals and authors. It is a topic that every human being (of maturity), including you must answer--is there someone else or no one else? We must learn that there is a God…and why we know.
What was Jesus planning to build when He said I will build My church? We can find out by examining His preaching.