James reminds us that holiness in every area of life is equally important to God, including one of the greatest challenges to holiness--the tongue.

Jesus was tempted again

June 21, 2020
Read Luke 4:13 and notice that Satan was not finished tempting Jesus. He waited until "an opportune time."

Jesus was tempted

June 21, 2020
Satan was as interested in Jesus' life as the Father was, though at times his work was less obvious. In this case, Satan made his presence and interest obvious. By the responses of Jesus, we learn several lessons about Satan, sin, and our struggle against them.

God is Holy

June 14, 2020
Holiness is not observed, like size or color. It is an idea that we must be taught and trained to identify. How did God train Israel to identify holiness? How does God train us?
There is a God, regardless of who knows it, but knowledge without faith is just as dead as faith without works---believing there is a God is only the beginning. God intends that it will change your life into eternity.
Why are there often multiple churches of Christ in a single, rural town? Some divisions are necessary, some are unnecessary, and we must know the difference. There is a difference between God and man--we must learn that difference. There is a difference between male and female--we must learn that difference. There is a difference between the government, family, churches--we must learn that difference. There is a difference between a Christian and the church he is among--we must learn that difference.
"O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." Mt. 26:39 Jesus drank the cup without sin, and then overcame the cup and every enemy who poured the cup. What is your “cup” today---trials, temptations? Whose will was done? 1 Cor. 10:13 God promises to provide a way to escape from sin but not from facing temptation. So, when we face temptation, how do we escape it?